Christopher Saint on iTunes (As seen and heard on SyFy)
Christopher Saint on CDbabyhttp://www.cdbaby.com/Artist/ChristopherSaint1
SPOOKED TV MUSIChttp://www.spookedmusic.blogspot.com
THE HAUNTED BOY Original Soundtrack. Includes EVP's, voices of the dead and actual exorcism audio. A Musical horror masterpiece that immerses you into a terrifying paranormal journey of the real diary that inspired the book and movie "The Exorcist". http://itunes.apple.com/us/album/the-haunted-boy-the-secret/id388546239
CHILDREN OF THE GRAVE Original Soundtrack Warning contains actual Electronic Voice Phenomena (Ghost Voices). As seen on SyFy. Original Score. An emotional and terrifying musical adaption of the haunting of ghost children. Contains actual Electronic Voice Phenomena (Ghost voices). If you don't believe in ghosts, you will now. http://itunes.apple.com/us/album/children-of-the-grave/id381949814
THE POSSESSED Original Soundtrack As seen on SyFy. Original Score. An emotional and terrifying musical adaption of Possession. Warning contains actual victims under possession (devil's dialogue) and Electronic Voice Phenomena (Ghost Voices).
DARK PLACE Original Soundtrack. From the creators of Death Tunnel (Sony Pictures), Children Of The Grave, Spooked, The Possessed as seen on SyFy/NBC Universal. Mix Marilyn Manson with Peter Gabriel scoring your worst nightmare.
SPOOKED Original Soundtrack. Warning contains actual Electronic Voice Phenomena (Ghost Voices). As seen on SyFy. Scored beautifully yet disturbing masterpiece entwined with Hope and Fear for the infected. An epic musical Ghost Hunt inside "The Scariest Place On Earth". 13 Haunting musical tracks, digitally mastered. http://itunes.apple.com/us/album/spooked-ghosts-waverly-hills/id211036279