The Booth Brothers—Philip Adrian Booth and Christopher Saint Booth, the duo behind DEATH TUNNEL—have changed the title of their upcoming documentary CHILDREN OF THE DAMNED to CHILDREN OF THE GRAVE. This has also resulted in a new web address, www.childrenofthegrave.com. “This site will be in progress as the title develops,” Christopher tells Fango. “The new trailer with the name change will be up shortly as well.” In addition, a MySpace page can be found here.
The decision to retitle the docu (a companion piece to the Booths’ latest feature DARKPLACE) was determined by the powers that be at the Sci Fi Channel, where CHILDREN OF THE GRAVE will debut—like the duo’s previous documentary, SPOOKED. The change was allegedly made to avoid confusion with 1963’s CHILDREN OF THE DAMNED the sequel to 1960’s VILLAGE OF THE DAMNED. CHILDREN OF THE GRAVE promises to uncover “the shocking truth, history and haunting of Ghost Children, Poltergeist Kids, Haunted Orphanages and Crybaby Bridges” through “untold stories of unmarked graves.” Those on hand to help the brothers spin the yarns are Keith (SPOOKED) Age of the Louisville Ghost Hunters, famous demonologist John Zaffis, “Gadget Man” Ron Milione and paranormal writer Troy Taylor. Similar to SPOOKED’s offerings of ghostly investigations, CHILDREN OF THE GRAVE is set to utilize “the best of the best, paranormal experts, the latest hi-tech ghost gadgetry and award-winning, cutting-edge filmmakers” to create a thrill ride “in high-definition format, crafted in the style of today’s fright-filled blockbusters.”
Filming on CHILDREN is supposed to begin in March. Keep your eyes here for more details on this and the Booths’ other projects in the near future. —Chris Haberman